Name: ruth wurley Date: 10/20/2008 Message: hey captain nock, i just saw you at the batman reunion tiki show, i love the batcopter!! I thought that it was so cool that it really flies!! thank you so much ruth. Name: Lt. J. Knoblough Army Date: 10/15/2008 Message: Dear Friends, I recently saw your Motorcycle show in Japan at a Amusement Park while on leave. Loved it, Great Show. Name: G Minaki Date: 10/13/2008 Message: I?@see you exellent stunt show at greenland, Thank You very cool Name: h hoshiki Date: 10/11/2008 Message: the show is very great, i see you on tv show. Name: sawa nomura Date: 10/11/2008 Message: I see your great performance at motocycle stunt show,your team is very good, thank you very much!!!! Name: soji takahshi Date: 10/11/2008 Message: i love your motorcycle show it is very great !" thank you Name: ?[?«?½?©?Í?µ Date: 10/11/2008 Message: ?prSHOW?äsg???At??t???ê?¦?ñ???ñ?? Name: hiromi takada Date: 10/10/2008 Message: Eugene san your motorcycle show is the greatest, I love american free style motorcycle! you are great. thank you!! Name: Hiyoshi?@Tamura Date: 09/11/2008 Message: Dear?@Eugene Hi,When?@do?@you?@visit?@in?@japan. Long?@time?@no?@see?@you. I?@hope?@mee?@you. my?@mail?@address? my?@HP?F Name: Sidney Stover Date: 08/03/2008 Message: Just,wanted to tell u Mr.Nock of th eexciting time my wife and I had riding in the infamous "Batcopter".I have flown in many hueys in Nam but,this experience was well worth the money.My wife wasa really impressed.Thank you for providing this wonderful opportuntity.Might do again next year at the Ohio State fair. |